Recently, I received the following announcement from the International Coaching Federation: “Congratulations on becoming one of the first team coaches worldwide to earn the Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC). This distinguished designation is a historic moment in the field of coaching."
The ACTC represents the continued evolution of the field of coaching education and practice, which I’ve helped to shape since the early 1990s. In turn, I am grateful to the many people and organizations that have influenced my life’s work over the past 30 years.
Included among these are Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, where I studied under original Organizational Development pioneers Edgar Schein, Bill Dyer, Roger Harrison, Bllie Alban, Richard Beckhard, and Warner Burke; Fielding Graduate University’s Edie and Charlie Seashore; and my team coaching doctoral committee of Katrina Rogers, Placida Gallegos, Patrice Rosenthal, external reader Anthony Grant, and long-time coaching colleague Thom Werner. Thanks also to Julie Hallock for helping me navigate the EMCC credentialing process. I feel honored to have been awarded a trifecta of certifications as a master coach, team coach, and supervisor of coaches.
I’d also like to recognize team coaching thought leaders Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck, who partnered with WBECS to offer the first large-scale global online team coach training. Thank you for inviting me to co-facilitate in-depth practicums, and for entrusting me as a team coach supervisor for a group of international learners. I hold deep respect for the many co-practicum leads around the globe, and express deep appreciation for the support of my GTCI supervisors Catherine Carr and Tammy Turner.
Finally, I owe a debt of gratitude to my internal and external clients for entrusting me to support their growth, development, and success. We’ve learned so much from and with each other, and have had fun along the way.
I look forward to educating and developing more internal and external coaches. My hope is to leave a legacy by inspiring managers and professional coaches to embody a coaching mindset, and to learn the advanced knowledge set and competencies needed to make a bigger and better impact in the lives of others every day.
Dr. Laura L. Hauser, MCC, MCEC
Founder, Leadership Strategies International
Dr. Laura Hauser, MCC, MCEC, works with organizational leaders and their teams (and the professionals who support them) to build healthy workplace cultures. She is an internationally-recognized thought leader and researcher in the highly specialized space of team coaching. Using art and science, she teaches, coaches, supervises and consults in a way that expands mindsets and capabilities needed to navigate through disruption. Laura has been honored for her contributions to the coaching profession. She is the developer of the Team Coaching Operating System®, an ACSTH coaching school accredited by the International Coach Federation. Contact Laura by email or on LinkedIn.
When referencing this material, please acknowledge the source: ©2020 Dr. Laura L. Hauser, MCC,